Welcome to Jim Munley's Local Climate Data Page. This contains complete analysis of the Local Climate in Kearny, New Jersey.

Jim Munley's Local Climate Data

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2009 Weather in Historical Perspective
Kearny, NJ

Temperature Data
High 62 Low 46.2
Average Yearly 54.1
Departure From Normal -1.8
Highest 93 on Apr. 26
Lowest 6 on Jan. 6

Number of Days With
Maximum 32F or Below 10
Maximum 90F or Above 10
Minimum 32F or Below 89
Minimum 0F or Below 0
Precipitation .01 or More 133
Snow & Ice 1.0 or More 4
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or Less 1
Thunderstorms 29
Clear 205
Partly Cloudy 93
Cloudy 67

Heating Degree Days
Total This Year 4776
Departure From Normal -156
Normal 4932

Cooling Degree Days
Total This Year 905
Departure From Normal -299
Normal 1204

Precipitation Data
Total for the Year 56.37 inches
Departure From Normal +10.21 inches
Normal 46.16
24-Hours 2.55 inches on Jun. 18

Wind Data
Average Speed 6.9 mph
Average Direction SW
Fastest 51
Direction WNW
Date Oct. 6
Snow & Ice
Snow & Ice Total 28.5
Departure From Normal -0.5 inches
Normal 29.0 inches
24 Hours 7.5 inches on Mar. 1-2
Pressure Data
Highest 30.59 on Mar. 13
Lowest 29.08 on Jan. 8
Averaged 30.00

2009:The winter season ranked as the 15th warmest such season on record (1976-77) and the warmest since 1992-93. The season was also the 6th consecutive such season with above normal temperatures. Temperature extremes included 67�F on Dec. 15th and 6�F on Jan. 17th. Spring averaged 53.3 and ranked as the 19th coldest such season on record and the coldest since last year. The season also ranked as the 5th consecutive such season with below normal temperatures. Summer averaged 72.1F and tied with the summer 2000 as the coldest such season on record. Temperature extremes included 93F on August 17th and 49 on June 2nd. The temperature in June averaged 67.2F and was -6F below normal. The month ranked as the coldest such month on record (1977). The month was also the 3rd consecutive such month with below normal temperatures. Temperature extremes included 85F on the 26th and 49F on the 2nd. Only 11 days averaged near or above normal. The average temperature for July as 73.1F and was 7.2F below normal. The month tied with July 2001 as the 3rd coldest such month on record (1977). The Autumn season e averaged 57.8F and tied with Autumn 1999 as the 10th warmest such season on record. The season was also the 6th consecutive such season with above normal temperatures. The average temperature in September was 66.3F and was 3.8F below normal. The month tied with September 1997 as the 4th coldest such month on record (1977). The average temperature in October was 55.6F and was 2.4F below normal. The month ranked as the 11th coldest such month on record and the coldest since 1977. The average temperature in November was 51.3F and was 3.0F above normal. The month tied with November 2006 as the 3rd warmest such month on record. The average temperature for the year averaged 54.1 and tied with 1998 as the 17th warmest such year on record. The Year was also the 6th consecutive such year that averaged above normal.

Precipitation in December totaled 5.73 inches and ranked as the 4th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 2003. Precipitation in January totaled 2.72 inches and ranked as the 9th driest such month on record and the driest since January 2008. . Precipitation in February totaled only .80 of an inch and ranked as the 2nd driest such month on record and the driest since February 2002. The season overall ranked as the 13th driest such season on records and the driest since 194-95. Snowfall for the season totaled 19.7 inches and ranked as the 16th least snowiest such season on record and the least snowiest since 1987-88. The season also was the 3rd consecutive season with below normal snowfall. Precipitation in March totaled only 1.06 inches and tied with March 1995 ranked as the 2nd driest such month on record. Precipitation in April totaled only 4.75 inches and was .84 of an inch above normal. The month ranked as the 10th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1996. The month was also the 2nd consecutive such month with above normal precipitation. Precipitation in May totaled 5.76 inches and was 1.41 inches above normal. The month ranked as the 8th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1988. A total of 11.57 inches was recorded in the spring and ranked as the 13th wettest such season on record and the wettest since 1991. The season was also the 2nd consecutive such season with above normal precipitation. Precipitation in June totaled 11.85 inches and was 8.05 inches above normal. The month ranked as the wettest such month on record. The month was also the 3rd consecutive month with above normal precipitation. The unusual precipitation pattern was a result on several systems and not from the usual convective complexes. Precipitation in August totaled 5.54 inches and ranked as the 6th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1983. A totaled of 24.87 inches of precipitation was received for the season and ranked as the wettest such season on record. The period July-August ranked as the 2nd wettest such season on record with a total of 13.02 inches recorded. This was the wettest such period since 2004. Precipitation in September totaled only 1.80 inches which contrasted with the past 5 months of above normal precipitation. The month tied with September 1990 as the 3rd driest such month on record. Precipitation in October totaled 6.50 inches and ranked as the 5th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1983. Much of the month was dry with most of the precipitation falling during the last week of the month. Precipitation in November totaled 1.42 inches and ranked as the 3rd driest such month on record and the wettest since 1998. Much of the month precipitation was sparse with more than half of the month�s rainfall occurring on the 19th-20th which was .76 of an inch (53%). Precipitation for the autumn season totaled 9.72 inches (85% of normal) and ranked as the 13th driest such season on record and the driest since 1992. The period Oct-November rainfall totaled 7.92 and ranked as the 20th driest such season on record and the driest since 1979. The year ranked as the 5th wettest year on record (56.37�) and the wettest since 1984.

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