Local Climate Data
Kearny,  NJ
2016 Weather in Historical Perspective


Temperature Data 
High 66.5 Low 47.2
Average Yearly 56.8
Departure From Normal -0.2

Highest  98  on Aug. 23
Lowest   0  on Feb. 14 


Number of Days With  
Maximum 32F or Below 12
Maximum 90F or Above 42
Minimum 32F or Below 82
Minimum 0F or Below 1     
Precipitation .01 or More 115

Snow & Ice 1.0 or More 5
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or Less 3 
Thunderstorms 29
Clear 103
Partly Cloudy  184
Cloudy 89


Heating Degree Days
Total This Year 4477
Departure From Normal -458
Normal 4935 


Cooling Degree Days
Total This Year 1556 
Departure From Normal  +308
Normal 1248 



Precipitation Data
Total for the Year 38.52 inches
Departure From Normal -9.56 inches
Normal 48.08”
24-Hours 2.15 inches on Nov. 29


Wind Data
Average Speed 6.9 mph
Average Direction WSW 
Fastest 27 
Direction  W

Date Jan. 13

Snow & Ice  
Snow & Ice Total 37.1
Departure From Normal -3.3  inches
Normal 30.9 inches
24 Hours 26.5 inches on Jan. 23

Pressure Data
Highest 30.81  on Dec.19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Lowest 29.2. on Feb. 25
Averaged 30.03




WINTER 2015-16: December 2015 was the warmest such month on record (since 1977) averaging 49.2F and was 10.7F above normal. The month was also the 5th consecutive such month with above normal temperatures. Every day averaged near or above normal. There were 12 days with maximums of 60F or higher and 1 day with a maximum over 70F.  There were only 3 days with minimum of 32F or lower.  There were no days with a maximum of 32F or lower. Temperature extremes were 71F on the 24th and 31F on the 6th.


January 2016 the temperature averaged 32.9F and ranked as the 12th warmest such month on record and the warmest since 1992. The month was also the 3rd consecutive such month with above normal temperatures. Twelve days averaged near or below normal. There were 4 days with maximums of 50F or higher and 1 day with a maximum over 60F.  There were only 27 days with minimum of 32F or lower and 5 days with maximums of 32F or lower.  Temperature extremes were 61F on the 10th and 10F on the 5th.


February 2016 temperature averaged 36.7F and ranked as the 8th warmest such month on record and the warmest since 1991. The month was also the 4th consecutive month with above normal temperatures. Only 10 days averaged below normal. There were 18 days with maximums of 40F or higher. There were only 5 days with maximums of 32F or lower which is normal and 19 days with minimums of 32F and lower.  There was one day with a minimum of 0F.  Temperature extremes were 64F on the 28th and 0F on the 14th.


The temperature for the season averaged 39.6F and was the 3rd warmest such season on record and the warmest since 2011-12 season.



SPRING 2016: The temperature for March 2016 averaged 48.5F and ranked as the 3rd warmest such month on record and the warmest since 2010. The month was also the 5th consecutive month with above normal temperatures. Only 10 days averaged near or below normal. There were 25 days with maximums of 50F or higher, 14 days with maximums of 60F or higher, 5 days with maximums of 70F or higher and 2 days with maximums of 80F or higher. There were 10 days with minimums of 32F or lower.  Temperature extremes were 81F on the 10th and 23 on the 3rd.


The temperature for April 2016 averaged 52.6F and tied with April 199 and 2013 as the 16th coldest such month on record and the coldest such month on record since 2013. There were 12 days with maximums of 60F or higher and 9 days with maximums of 70F or higher and 3 days with maximums of 80F and higher. There were 14 days with temperatures near or above normal. There were 5 days with minimums of 32F or lower. Temperatures extremes included 83F on the 22nd and 23F on the 6th.


The temperature for May 2016 averaged 62.8F and was 3.9F below normal.  The month ranked as the 17th coldest such month on record and the coldest since 1999. There were 9 days that averaged near or above normal and they occurred late in the month. There were 8 days with maximums of 80F or higher and 4 days with maximums of 90F and higher. Temperatures extremes included 96F on the 28th and 39F on the 16th.


The temperature for the season averaged 54.7F and was the 5th warmest such season on record and the warmest since 1998.


SUMMER 2016: The temperature for June 2016 averaged 73.0F and was 1.6F below normal.  The month tied with 1999 as the 9th warmest such month on record. There were 11 days that averaged near or above normal. There were 7 days with maximums of 80F or lower and 3 days with maximums of 90F and higher. Temperatures extremes included 91F on the 21st and 51F on the 9th.


The temperature for July 2016 averaged 76.6F and was 1.3F below normal.  The month tied with July 1993 as the 5th warmest such month on record and the 2nd consecutive month with above normal temperatures. Sixteen days that averaged near or below normal. There were 16 days with maximums of 90F or higher. Temperatures extremes included 98F on the 23rd and 60F on the 3rd.


August’s temperature averaged 79.9F and tied with August 2005 as the warmest such month on record556.8 Only 6 days averaged near or below normal.  There were 14 days with maximums of 90F or higher. Temperatures extremes included 98F on the 18th and 58F on the 28th.


The temperature for the season averaged 77.5F and ranked as the warmest such month on record and the warmest such season on record and the warmest since 2010.  The season was also the 7th consecutive such season with above normal temperatures.


FALL 2016: The temperature for September averaged 71.8F and was 0.2F above normal.  The month ranked as the 3rd warmest such month on record and the warmest since 2005.  The month was also the 3rd consecutive such month with above normal temperatures. Eleven days averaged near or below normal. There were 5 days with maximums of 90F or higher and 12 days with maximums of 80F and lower. Temperatures extremes included 93F on the 14th and 48F on the 25th.


October’s temperature averaged 58.3F and was 1.4F below normal.  The month ranked as the 8th warmest such month on record and the warmest since 2014.  The month was also the 7th consecutive such warmest month. Twelve days averaged near or above normal. There were 4 days with maximums of 80F or higher and 6 days with maximums of 60F and lower. Temperatures extremes included 87F on the 19th (a record for the day) and 35F on the 29th.


November’s temperature averaged 48.6F and was 1F below normal.  The month ranked as the 11th warmest such month on record and the warmest since 1982.  Thirteen days averaged near or above normal. There were 2 days with maximums of 70F or higher and 1 day with minimums of 32F and lower. Temperatures extremes included 73F on the 3rd and 32F on the 28th.


The temperature for the season averaged 59.6F and tied with 2005 and 2007 as the 3rd warmest such season on record and the 2nd consecutive such season with above normal temperatures. Temperature extremes included 93F on Sep. 14th and 32F on Nov. 20th.


The year averaged 56.8F and tied with 2010 as the 2nd warmest year on record. The year was also the second consecutive year with above normal temperatures.




WINTER 2015-16: Precipitation December totaled 5.36 inches and was only 1.42 inches above normal (136 percent of normal). The month ranked as the 10th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1978. The month was also the 11th consecutive such month with above normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 2.11 inches during the 23-24. December 2015 ranked third as the least snowiest such month on record since 2011. There were 15 days with measurable rainfall.


Precipitation totaled in January totaled 2.90 inches and ranked as the 15th driest such month on record and the driest since 2014. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.58 inches on the 10th. Snowfall totaled 28.0 inches and ranked as the 3rd snowiest such month behind 1996. There were 8 days with measurable precipitation.


Precipitation totaled 4.06 inches and ranked as the 11th wettest such month on record and the driest since 1986. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.15 inches on the 24th. Snowfall was below normal totaling only 4.7 inches and ranked as the 13th least snowiest such month and the least since 2011.


Precipitation totaled 12.32 inches and ranked as the 11th wettest such season on record and the wettest since 1993-94 season. The period Jani-Feb. precipitation totaled 6.96 inches and tied with 1988 as the 22nd driest such period on record. Snowfall totaled 32.7 inches and the season ranked as the 10th snowiest such season on record and the snowiest since 1986-87 and 2004-2005 seasons. The season was also the 3rd consecutive such season with above normal snowfall.


SPRING 2016: Precipitation in March totaled only .98 of an inch in March and ranked as the 3rd driest such month on record and the driest since 2012. The month was also the 5th consecutive such month with below normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was .34 inches on the 14th. Snowfall was also below normal with only 1.2 inches and ranked as the 4th least snowiest such month on record and the least since 1982. For the season snow totaled 33.9 inches and ranked as the 15th snowiest such season on record and the most since 1976-77 season. There were 7 days with measurable precipitation. There were only 6 clear days and 5 overcast days.

Precipitation April totaled 1.63 inches and ranked as the 3rd driest such month on record and the driest since 1992. It was also the 2nd consecutive such month and the 2nd consecutive month with below normal precipitation. The period March-April precipitation totaled 2.61 inches and ranked as the 2nd driest such period on record and the driest since 2013. It was also the 2nd consecutive such period with below normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was .42 on an inch inches on the 4th. There were only 9 clear days and 7 overcast days.


Precipitation in May totaled 3.42 inches and ranked as the 16th driest such month on record and the driest since 1992. It was also the 2nd consecutive month with below normal precipitation. The period April-May precipitation totaled 5.05 inches and ranked as the 7th driest such period on record and the driest since 2001.  It was also the 2nd consecutive such period with below normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.13 inches on the 29-30th. There were only 3 clear days and 12 overcast days.


Precipitation for the season totaled 6.03 inches and ranked as the driest such season on record.  The season was also the 2nd consecutive such season with below normal precipitation.


SUMMER 2016: Precipitation in June totaled 2.63 inches in June and ranked as the 10th driest such month on record and the driest since 2007. It was also the 4th consecutive month with below normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.02 inches during the 4th-5th. There were 8 clear days and 4 overcast days.


Precipitation in July totaled 7.37 inches and ranked as the 6th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1988. Most of the rain fell from the 25th-31st. There were 13 days with measurable precipitation. This was the most for such month since 2009. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.43 inches during the 4th-5th. There were 7 clear days and 5 overcast days.


Precipitation in August totaled 1.33 inches (only 34% of normal) and ranked as the 4th driest such month on record and the driest since 1980. The month was also the 5th consecutive such month with below normal temperatures. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was .51 of an inch in the 16-17th. There were 9 days with measurable precipitation. There were 12 clear days and only 2 overcast days.


Precipitation for the season totaled 11.33 inches and ranked as the 19th wettest such season on record and the wettest since 1996. The period July-August precipitation totaled 8.70 inches and ranked as the 17th wettest such period on record and the wettest since 2003.


FALL 2016: Precipitation in September totaled only 2.36 inches (53 percent of normal) and ranked as the 10th driest such month on record and the driest since 1997. The month was also the 2nd consecutive month with below normal precipitation. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was .67 of an inch in the 14th. There were 8 days with measurable precipitation.


The below normal precipitation trend continued in October with 3.20 inches recorded during the month. Most of the rain fell during the 27-28 with 1.15 inches. The month ranked as the 18th driest such month on record and the driest since 2008. The month was also the 3rd consecutive month with below normal precipitation. There were 10 days with measurable precipitation.


Precipitation was above normal in November with 5.81 inches recorded. Most of the rain fell during the last 15 days of the month. The month ranked as the 5th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1986. There were 7 days with measurable precipitation.


Precipitation for the season totaled 11.37 inches and ranked as the 19th wettest such season on record since 1988. There were 25 days with measurable precipitation. The most in a 24-hour period was 2.15” set on Nov 29th.


Precipitation for the year totaled 38.52 inches and tied with 1980 as the 6th driest year on record and the second consecutive year with below normal precipitation.