Seasonal Climate Data


Weather in Historical Perspective
Kearny, NJ

Temperature Data
High 67.7 Low 51.6
Seasonal Average 59.7
Departure From Normal -0.9
Highest  87 on Sep 4
Lowest 32 on Nov 6

Number of Days With
Maximum 32F or Below 0
Maximum 90F or Above 0

Minimum 32F or Below 4
Minimum 0F or Below 0
Precipitation .01 or More 30
Snow & Ice 1.0 or More 1
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or Less 0
Thunderstorms 4
Clear  48
Partly Cloudy 27
Cloudy 15


Heating Degree Days
Total This Season 671

Departure From Normal -229

Normal 900


Cooling Degree Days
Total This Season 204
Departure From Norma  +33
Normal 171


Precipitation Data
Total for the Season 18.77”
Departure From Normal +7.33”
Normal 11.44”

24-Hours 3.68” on Sep 6


Wind Data
Average Speed 5.7 MPH
Average Direction ESE
Fastest 32 MPH
Direction NE
Date Nov 30

Snow & Ice
Snow & Ice Total 4.0”

Departure From Normal +3.5”
Normal .5”

24 Hours 4.0” on  Oct. 29

Pressure Data
Highest 30.51 on Nov 6
Lowest 29.29 on Oct 20
Averaged 30.00

AUTUMN 2011: The temperature in September averaged 70.1 and was normal. The month ranked as the 6th warmest such month on record (since 1977) and the warmest since 2007.  The month was also the 2nd consecutive such month with above normal temperatures. Eight days averaged near or below normal.  There were 13 days with maximums of 80F or higher. Temperature extremes included 87F on the 4th and 50F on the 16th.

The temperature in October averaged 57.2 and was 0.8 below normal. The month ranked as the 11th warmest such month on record (since 1977) and the warmest since 2001.  The month was also the 4th consecutive such month with below above normal temperatures. Eleven days averaged near or below normal.  There were 3 days with maximums of 80F or higher. Temperature extremes included 85F on the 9th and 32F on the 31st.        

The temperature in November averaged 51.7 and was 3.4 above normal. The month ranked as the 2nd warmest such month on record (since 1977) and the warmest since 1979.  Only 5 days averaged near or below normal. There were 6 days with maximums of 70F or higher. Temperature extremes included 75F on the 8th and 32F on the 6th.

The fall season averaged 59.7F and ranked as the warmest such season on record.

Record rainfall was again recorded in September. The month received 9.89 inches of rain and ranked as the wettest such month on record and the wettest since 2004. The month was also the 2nd consecutive month of record and above normal precipitation.   The most to fall in a 24 hour period was on the 6th with 3.68 inches.

Above normal precipitation was again observed in October with 4.64 inches recorded.  The month ranked as the 11th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 2010. The month was also the 3rd consecutive month and the 3rd consecutive such month with above precipitation.  The most received in a 24-hour period was 1.11 inches on the 19th-20th. Also, 4.0 inches of snow was received on the 29th making this October the snowiest on record (since 1976). It was also a record for any day in October.

Above normal precipitation was observed in November with 4.24 inches recorded.  The month ranked as the 12th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1992. The month was also the 4th consecutive month with above precipitation.  The most received in a 24-hour period was 1.77 inches on the 22nd.

Precipitation totaled 18.77 inches and is the 2nd wettest such season on record and the wettest since 1979. The period Oct-Nov. 8.88 inches of precipitation was recorded.  This was the 9th wettest such period on record and the wettest since 1979.