Jim Munley's Local Climate Data

Local Climate Data

Local Climate Data
Kearny,  NJ


Temperature Data                                    
High 32.1 Low 14.3             
Average Monthly  23.2              
Departure From Normal  -10.8

Highest 42 on 22

Lowest   1 on 20   

Heating Degree Days                      
Total This Month  1172            
Departure From Normal  +297  
Total for the Season  3905

Departure From Normal +189

Cooling Degree Days
Total This Month 0

Departure From Normal 0
Total for the Season 0

Departure From Normal 0

Precipitation Data
Total for the Month 2.10
Departure From Normal  -1.03  inches
24-Hours 1.03 inches  on 2

Normal 3.13 inches

Snow & Ice
Total  11.1  inches
24-Hours 4.0 inches  on 21

Departure +1.2  inches

Normal 9.9 inches



Wind Data
Average Speed 7.9  mph
Average Direction W
Fastest  21
Direction WNW

Date 2

Pressure Data
Highest  30.79  on 28

Lowest  29.35 on  2

Averaged  30.04

Number of Days With   
Maximum 32F or Below  16  
Maximum 90F or Above  0    
Minimum 32F or Below  28

Minimum 0F or Below 0
Precipitation .01 or More  6
Snow & Ice 1.0+ and More  4
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or less  0

Thunderstorms  0
Clear   6
Partly Cloudy 13
Cloudy 9


The temperature in February 2015 averaged 23.2F and was 10.8F below normal.  The month ranked as the coldest such month on record (since 1977) and the coldest since 1979. The month was also the 2nd consecutive such month with below normal temperatures. Only one day averaged above (the 8th).  There were two days with maximums of 40F or higher.  There were 28 days with minimums of 32F or lower. There were 22 days with minimums below 20F and 9 days with minimums of 10F or lower. There were 16 days with maximums of 32 or lower.  Temperature extremes were 42F on the 22nd and 1F on the 20th.  This was the coldest minimum for the day since 1979 and the coldest since January 1988.

Precipitation totaled 2.10 inches and was 61% of normal. The month ranked as the 14th driest such month on record and the driest since 1987. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 1.30 inches on the 22nd. Snowfall was above normal with 11.1 inches and was 1.2 inches above normal. The month ranked as the 13th snowiest such month on record and the snowiest since 1993.  The month was also the 2nd consecutive such month with above normal snowfall and the 2nd consecutive month with above normal snowfall. There were only 6 clear days and 9 overcast days.

Jim G. Munley, Jr.

Jim G. Munley, Jr.

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