Seasonal Climate Data

Summer 2009 Weather in Historical Perspective
Kearny, NJ

Temperature Data
High 79.6 Low 64.6
Seasonal Average 72.1
Departure From
Normal -4.6
Highest 93 on Aug. 17
Lowest 49 on Jun. 2

Number of Days With
Maximum 32F or Below 0
Maximum 90F or Above 7
Minimum 32F or Below 0

Minimum 0F or Below 0
Precipitation .01 or More 41
Snow & Ice 1.0 or More 2
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or Less 0
Thunderstorms 19
Clear 53
Partly Cloudy 23
Cloudy 16


Heating Degree Days
Total This Season 34
Departure From
Normal +16
Normal 18


Cooling Degree Days
Total This Season 714
Departure From
Normal -234
Normal 948


Precipitation Data
Total for the Season 24.86
Departure From Normal +13.85
Normal 11.61
24-Hours 2.55 on Jun. 18


Wind Data
Average Speed 6.1
Average Direction SW
Fastest 23
Direction WSW
Date Jun. 12

Snow & Ice
Snow & Ice Total .0
Departure From
Normal .0
Normal .0

24 Hours .0 on 0

Pressure Data
Highest 30.32 on Jul. 10
Lowest 29.42 on Jun. 29
Averaged 29.90


SUMMER 2009: The temperature in June averaged 67.2F and was -6F below normal. The month ranked as the coldest such month on record (1977). The month was also the 3rd consecutive such month with below normal temperatures. Temperature extremes included 85F on the 26th and 49F on the 2nd. Only 11 days averaged near or above normal. There were 7 days with maximums of 80F or higher and 7 days with maximums below 70F. There were no days with maximums of 90F or higher. The average temperature for July as 73.1F and was 7.2F below normal. The month tied with July 2001 as the 3rd coldest such month on record (1977). The month was also the 3rd consecutive month with below normal temperatures. Temperature extremes included 88F on the 16th and 59F on the 10th. Only 7 days averaged near or above normal. There were no days with maximums of 90F or higher. This is the first time ever since 1977 this has occurred. There were 22 days with maximums of 80F or higher. The average temperature for August was 76.0F and was near normal only 0.5F below normal. The month ranked as the 15th warmest such month on record (1977) and the warmest since 1979. Temperature extremes included 93F on the 17th and 61F on the 31st. Twenty-one days averaged above normal. Twenty-four days had maximums of 80F or higher. There was 7 days with maximums of 90F or higher. The season as a whole averaged 72.1F and tied with the summer 2000 as the coldest such season on record. Temperature extremes included 93F on August 17th and 49 on June 2nd.

Precipitation in June totaled 11.85 inches and was 8.05 inches above normal. The month ranked as the wettest such month on record. The month was also the 3rd consecutive month with above normal precipitation. There were 18 days with measurable precipitation. Wet conditions of June carried into July with a totaled of 7.48 inches recorded. The month ranked as the 4th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1984. The month was also the 4th consecutive month with above normal precipitation. The unusual precipitation pattern was a result on several systems and not from the usual convective complexes. There were 13 days with measurable precipitation. The trend of above normal precipitation of the past few months carried into August. Precipitation totaled 5.54 inches and ranked as the 6th wettest such month on record and the wettest since 1983. The month was also the 4th consecutive month with above normal precipitation. Much of the rain fell from convective systems (typical of summer). However, the remnants of Danny and a warm front caused 1.47 inches of rain (the most in a 24-hour period). There were 10 days with measurable precipitation. A totaled of 24.87 inches of precipitation was received for the season and ranked as the wettest such season on record. The period July-August ranked as the 2nd wettest such season on record with a total of 13.02 inches recorded. This was the wettest such period since 2004. The most precipitation received in a 24-hour period was 2.55 inches received on June 18th.